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Floral & Still Life

Azaleas & Butterflies 39X48 Watercolor_50_60.jpg
Azaleas & Butterflies 
39 x 48 Watercolor
Venice Bottle Collection  28X36 Watercolor_50.jpg
Venice Bottle Collection   
28 x 36 Watercolor
My Pretty Rose   30X38 Watercolor_vertical.jpg
My Pretty Rose   30 x 38 Watercolor
Pink Hibiscus                     16X20 Watercolor.JPG
Pink Hibiscus   16 x 20 Watercolor
Sweetpeas & Summer Hat 16X20 Watercolor_60.jpg
Sweetpeas & Summer Hat
16 x 20 Watercolor
Summer Bouquet in a Crystal Vase 16X20 W-C IMG_4651.jpg
Hollyhock Garden, 2022 IMG_3494.jpg
Hollyhock Garden
16 x 20 Watercolor
Roses in a Crystal Vase  
16 x 20 Watercolor
Gerberas & Dutch Irises 15X30 W-C IMG_4648.jpg
Gerberas & Dutch Irises
20  X 28 Watercolor
Iris Summer 16X20 Watercolor_45.jpg
Iris Summer   16 x 20 Watercolor
Queen's Inn 2110.jpg
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